David Kingman looks at the findings of the latest ONS research into avoidable mortality in England and Wales
Tag: pensions
Bean counters say old pension schemes are damaging the young
Actuaries recognise the intergenerational unfairness of DB pensions. Angus Hanton, IF co-founder, reports
New figures show impact of final salary pensions on living standards
Newly-published ONS figures have shown the colossal impact that the maturation of final salary pension schemes is having on pensioners’ living standards, reports David Kingman. But what will this mean for younger generations who don’t have access to such schemes?
Public sector pensions: are they fair and sustainable?
In a series of question and answers, Allan Martin – an actuary and independent pension scheme trustee – reveals the huge and growing burden of public sector pensions, and the alarming implications for the future generations
BSA: state pension no longer public’s main priority for extra government spending
In the first of two blogs about intergenerational stories arising from newly-released British Social Attitudes Survey data, David Kingman looks at attitudes towards the state pension and welfare spending
The Conservatives backtrack on intergenerational fairness – but did it really cost them votes?
In light of the Queen’s Speech and the Conservative-DUP deal, David Kingman asks whether the intergenerational policies in the Conservative Party election manifesto actually cost them votes
The party manifestos: an intergenerational audit
With election day looming, Angus Hanton, co-founder of IF, assesses the Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem party manifestos to check their intergenerational credentials
We might die sooner than we thought
IF volunteer Robert Wilson considers the impact new mortality projections will have on the state and defined benefit pension schemes