Ernest-Marie Mbonda est Professeur d’éthique à l’Université des Montagnes (Cameroun), à l’Université catholique d’Afrique centrale (Cameroun) et à l’Université de Moncton (Canada). Dans ce blog, il propose quelques réflexions sur les obligations envers les générations futures. Vous pouvez lire ce blog en Anglais ici. Deux problèmes Le thème des obligations à l’égard des générations futures… Read more »
Category: Worldwide Blog Week
What an election in Ontario tells us about housing, voter dissolution and intergenerational fairness
Umair Muhammad is the Knowledge to Action Lead at Generation Squeeze, a Canadian organisation dedicated to promoting the rights and wellbeing of younger generations. In this blog, he sets out the lessons to be learned from recent elections in the province of Ontario. The wrong sort of record On 2 June, a record-setting election took… Read more »
Jaded ‘Jeunesse’: abstention, protest and the generation gap in French politics
Sarah Pickard is a Senior Lecturer at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris and is the author of Politics, Protest and Young People. In this blog, she assesses the role of young people in French politics, especially during the presidential and legislative elections earlier this year. Voting and protest Young people’s political participation has been… Read more »
Abolishing stamp duty can help us achieve intergenerational equity
In this contribution to IF’s Worldwide Blog Week 2022, Andrew Dixon, Founder of Fairer Share, a UK-based property taxation campaign group, explains how abolishing stamp duty can make society fairer for younger generations. Growing gerontocracy The basis of our society, as well as many foundational economic models, is that people will tend to vote in… Read more »
The search for nuclear waste repository sites: an incredibly momentous decision
Jörg Tremmel is a Co-founder of Germany’s Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations. Milena Weber is a student of Global Environmental and Sustainability Science and Political Science at Leuphana University in Lüneburg, while also working for FRFG. In this joint piece, they look at how the German government is approaching the storage of nuclear… Read more »
When the old suffer too: the cycle of intergenerational inequality
Danny Dorling is the Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography of the School of Geography and the Environment of the University of Oxford, and the author of many books including All That Is Solid, Inequality and the 1%, and Injustice: why social inequality persists. In this blog, he explains how inequality between older and younger generations… Read more »
Introducing our Worldwide Blog Week 2022
Every summer, the Intergenerational Foundation hosts a Worldwide Blog Week, inviting writers here in the UK and from around the world to contribute to a week-long discussion on issues of intergenerational fairness. This international and cross-cultural dialogue deepens our understanding of the many frontiers of intergenerational justice, and helps us to understand how academics and… Read more »
Worldwide Blog Week 2021: summing up
Following a week of contributions from guest writers from across the globe, Liam Hill, the Intergenerational Foundation’s Digital Campaigns Officer, sums up the main themes from the different contributions to IF’s Worldwide Blog Week The idea that each generation should pass on a better world to the next is a simple but powerful one. The… Read more »
The climate crisis requires solidarity between generations
Throughout the pandemic crisis, younger generations have taken a large hit to their quality of life in order to protect older generations who are most at risk of dying from COVID–19. IF senior researcher, Melissa Bui, explains how older generations can repay young people for their demonstration of intergenerational solidarity by taking essential and urgent… Read more »
What should an economic recovery post-COVID 19 look like for younger generations?
In this contribution to IF’s Worldwide Blog Week on what an economic recovery from COVID-19 should look like for younger generations, Caitie Gillett, Programme Manager for the Conservative Environment Network, lays out her vision Action is required As we map out our recovery from COVID-19, an increasing number of Brits believe action on air pollution,… Read more »