As part of our “think piece” series, Angus Hanton, co-founder of IF, reflects on patterns of generosity, of individuals and of society – and regrets that it does not always benefit the most deserving
Antony Mason
Constitutions are an intergenerational matter – and there’s a big cash prize to be won!
Should a national constitution be written in stone, or flexible enough for future generations to adapt it to their needs? The Intergenerational Foundation is asking academics to answer this and other related questions for the Intergenerational Justice Prize, worth €10,000, and also for the next edition of the Intergenerational Justice Review. Deadline 1 August 2016.… Read more »
Intergenerational analysis on three continents: an update on the INTERSECTION research programme
The INTERSECTION research programme, a partnership between the Universities of Sheffield and Leeds led by Professor Gill Valentine, is analysing and comparing intergenerational attitudes in Uganda, China and the UK. IF’s Antony Mason, who is on the advisory board, reports on progress
New academic essay prize: €10,000 to be won!
The Intergenerational Justice Prize is offering prizes totalling €10,000 for the best essays on constitutions and intergenerational justice. Antony Mason explains
Which graduates will pay off their student loan?
Antony Mason looks at the burden of debt under which universities now send their graduates into the world of work
Beefing up the youth vote
IF is very happy to promote the work of anyone who shares their outlook and has new ideas to contribute. Here Antony Mason points to a blog by Dr Dean Machin of UCL which deftly summarises why young people need more political power – and how a subtle change in the voting system could deliver… Read more »
A Sustainable Future: Key Messages from the Cardiff Conference
The World Future Council, one of the organisers of the recent Sustainable Futures Conference in Cardiff, has compiled a succinct summary of the key messages. Antony Mason takes up their invitation to spread the word
Pioneering legislation for a Sustainable Wales
How to secure the ambitions of sustainability for the long term and for future generations in government and other institutions – that was the focus of a two-day conference in Cardiff this week. And, by a stroke of good fortune, it coincided with the official sealing by the Welsh Assembly of the “Well-being of Future… Read more »
The emerging intergenerational pay gap
In the seventh and last of our week-long series of articles on intergenerational themes co-published with the independent public policy think tank ResPublica, Antony Mason of the Intergenerational Foundation explains how the young and working-age households are carrying more than their fair share of the post-financial crisis austerity
Holding governments to account: theory and practice of intergenerational scrutiny
Antony Mason reports on the recent conference at the Oxford Martin School which examined how governments and institutions can be made to think in the long term