Climate change poses deeply worrying problems but, as Claire Lamont suggests in this Film Competition blog, we are not entirely powerless to deal with them
Antony Mason
IF Vox Pop: a single mother speaks out
IF Vox Pop is a series of pieces submitted to the Intergenerational Foundation by members of the public, expressing their take on the issues we raise. Here, a nurse from Devon voices her concern that the ageing population is unknowingly placing an unfair burden on the young.
Quote 26
“Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.” Native American proverb (various sources)
Swiss teenagers hold street parties in protest against youth curfews
Young people in several Swiss cities have taken to holding public street parties as a protest against curfews against the under-16s. David Kingman looks at what lies behind this recent trend.
Number of “NEETs” falls slightly
David Kingman comments on the recent fall in the number of young people who are classed as “NEET” – Not in Education, Employment or Training
IF Vox Pop: a baby-boomer pensioner wants to rebalance the books
IF Vox Pop is a series of pieces submitted to the Intergenerational Foundation by members of the public, expressing their take on the issues we raise. Here Janet Gunn, a pensioner living in South London, suggests ways to redress the bias towards her generation.
Intergenerational Living = Dynamite TV!
A TV production company is looking for families thinking of moving in together. Can you help?
How much will the changes to university funding cost you?
David Kingman explains how a new report into the real costs of the changes to university funding has shown they will impose high costs on the rest of society
Are young people being “indentured” or “enslaved” to support the older generation?
Angus Hanton feels the dice are loaded against the young, and government action is required if we are to avoid a breach in social cohesion
Old-age care: who pays?
The social care costs of old age are an intergenerational conundrum. Why should younger generations pay for the care costs which the baby boomers have spectacularly failed to provide for themselves? But, as Antony Mason argues, they too need a robust and sustainable system to cater for their own old age