Was this an intergenerationally fair budget for younger generations and should younger generations welcome the announcements made? Read on for IF’s top line response. This week’s budget was a non-budget really. The Chancellor has “little fiscal headroom” so as expected, a few spending pledges were offered here and there, but the big news was a… Read more »
Category: Default
Will the government address intergenerational inequality in this year’s budget?
As the 6 March budget approaches, Daniel Harrison, IF supporter, economist, and author of the book Intergenerational Theft asks whether the Government will offer intergenerationally fair tax and spending promises in the last major opportunity before the forthcoming General Election.
How tax distorts everything
How tax distorts everything – people respond to price signals which harms intergenerational fairness argues Angus Hanton, IF Co-founder.
Tax wealth to help the young
Alec Haglund, IF Researcher, introduces IF’s latest report which makes the intergenerational fairness case for a wealth tax and calls on politicians to offer the young a fairer tax deal.
New poverty metric shows widening gaps between generations
How we understand poverty, inequality, or financial hardship is highly dependent on how we choose to measure it. Alec Haglund, IF Researcher, discusses the insights that a newly developed poverty metric might bring to our understanding of intergenerational inequality.
Learn from Canada and help students with the cost-of-living crisis
With a cost-of-living crisis in full swing in the UK and peer countries, students are facing increasing financial strain. This year Canada has put an indefinite freeze on student loan interest collection to help alleviate the financial pressures from housing costs, food price increases and tuition fee hikes. IF researcher, Sylvan Lutz, argues that it… Read more »
The State of the graduate premium
With the first cohort to experience the 2022 changes to student loans having begun university, now is a good time to take stock and assess the state of the graduate premium. Toby Whelton, IF volunteer, investigates.
Is the Well-being of Future Generations Act the solution to intergenerational inequality?
Is the Well-being of Future Generations Act the solution to intergenerational inequality? Around the world, conventional policymaking has failed to address intergenerational inequality. Modern political institutions are incentivised to prioritise the short term and current generations at the expense of long-term problems for future generations. Consequently, policymakers repeatedly fail to address multi-generational problems, such as… Read more »
COP28: Kicking off the end of the fossil fuel era?
As COP28 draws to a close, Sylvan Lutz summarises IF’s thoughts as an official observer. Despite the historic call to move away from the use of all fossil fuels, the agreement is representative of worldwide governments’ failures to send an unambiguous signal that the fossil fuel era is over.
UK child poverty has increased by 20% over seven years
Recent findings from UNICEF’s review of child poverty in 39 OECD and EU countries show that child poverty has increased faster in the UK than in any other country investigated. Alec Haglund, IF Researcher, reflects on the results of the research and wider context of child poverty in the UK.