The mounting crises for young people on the PM’s desk

As Liz Truss settles in to 10 Downing Street IF’s Digital Campaigns Officer, Liam Hill, considers what is top of the list of priorities for the new Prime Minister, and what ought to be higher on the list. Energy: the big one Last week, the government announced a plan to freeze energy bills for consumers… Read more »

Graduation ceremonies are stalked by the ghost of student debt

Having recently attended graduation ceremonies at three universities, IF Co-Founder Angus Hanton has been struck by a streak of very British reserve that ran through all of them and that is the willingness of higher education institutions to take large sums of money from students without a single mention of money, fees, pay or student… Read more »

A-Level Day for Generation COVID

Hundreds of thousands of students have received their A-Level grades having navigated another year of educational disruption thanks to COVID-19-related government policy. Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, looks at the numbers and calls for more financial government support for higher education students. Two-thirds of students make grades Two-thirds of students will gain entry to their first… Read more »