David Kingman explores the results of the 2012 British Social Attitudes Survey, which suggest the general public are growing less supportive of the welfare state in an age of austerity – and what this could mean for both younger and older generations
New report argues Dilnot care proposals are “fundamentally flawed”
United for All Ages, a social enterprise which focuses on intergenerational practice, recently released a report which finds major flaws in the Dilnot proposals. David Kingman explains
Running out of food
Famine could be the ultimate poisoned legacy to future generations. Antony Mason examines the predictions for population and food supply.
After Rio+20: pressing for an ombudsperson for future generations
The failure of Rio+20 to establish a High Level Representative for Future Generations at the UN caused widespread disappointment. But persuasive campaigning to further support the rationale behind the proposals may yet be rewarded. Antony Mason and Kirsty Scheeberger report.
Born Bankrupt: Sky News TV hits the intergenerational nail on the head
Antony Mason suggests that Jeff Randall’s TV report should be required viewing for anyone interested in today’s intergenerational issues.
Kiwi Youth Wants a Say on “Intergenerational” Projects
Liz Emerson sees a dangerous precedent in New Zealand’s “intergenerational roading projects”
Fighting over EU Fish
Antony Mason looks at the laboured progress of the EU over the Common Fisheries Policy, which seems unable to address with sufficient urgency the threat to fish stocks and our fishing industry
ITUC poll: Outlook Not So Good
Billy Harding looks at the recently published ITUC poll which shows that, of the 13 countries investigated, only citizens in Indonesia, Brazil, and Bulgaria believe that future generations will be better off than today’s generation. Some 66 per cent of respondents from all countries believe that future generations will be worse off.
Will today’s young people ever be able to own their own homes?
David Kingman analyses the gloomy findings from the forecast of the UK housing market recently released by PricewaterhouseCoopers
London 2012: what will be the real legacy of hosting the Olympics?
David Kingman ponders what kind of “legacy” the people responsible for London’s successful Olympic Games will actually be able to achieve