Antony Mason argues that, even if they can’t do anything about being stuck with higher debts, university students still have cause for complaint about the terms which they are forced to agree to
Who should pay for old age care? The horns of a dilemma
Antony Mason looks at the intergenerational dilemma posed by the Dilnot Commission, and the new White Paper on social care
Ageing in China
David Kingman explores the economic and social implications of China’s rapidly ageing population
The Intergenerational Justice Review 2012
Antony Mason, Guest Editor of this year’s Intergenerational Justice Review, gives details of its content, and how it all came together
Cameron’s welfare reforms will hit the young hardest – while leaving pensioners’ benefits untouched
David Kingman explores the intergenerational injustice which is at the heart of the government’s proposed welfare reforms
The Reith Lectures 2012
Antony Mason sings the praises of the first of this year’s Reith Lectures by Professor Niall Ferguson, which vividly draws attention to the intergenerational injustice embedded in today’s financial crisis
New IF research demonstrates how intergenerational unfairness has grown over time
David Kingman reports on the launch of IF’s Intergenerational Fairness Index, which assesses how intergenerational unfairness has worsened in the UK during the last 20 years
Government proposes fines for not registering to vote
David Kingman explores the British government’s recent proposal to fine people for not registering to vote, and its likely impact on the young
John Ralfe Consulting launches new website
David Kingman announces the launch of an exciting new website for people interested in pensions by John Ralfe Consulting
Negotiating the Wild West of Private Rent in London
Claire Lamont describes the woes of renting accommodation in London when landlords have the whip hand in an ever tighter property market