Quote 20

“After all, children should not have to save up for their parents, but parents for their children.” Corinthians 12, verse 14b

Inflation and its intergenerational impact

Angus Hanton looks at the pros and cons of rising inflation, and its effects on interest rates Inflation is now running at about 5% pa, with interest rates standing at below 1%. The result is that, when you take account of inflation, real interest rates are negative, so that savers are seeing their savings reduced… Read more »

Jilted Generation: a student’s view

Sam Desborough explains why he was gripped by Jilted Generation, and why he thinks it should be required reading for fellow students The blurb for Jilted Generation describes it as a work of ‘irresistible polemical energy’ and this proves to be a most apt summary of Ed Howker and Shiv Malik’s writing.

Intergenerational issues in Japan

  David Kingman describes the fallout from a swelling elderly population Japan is the world’s fastest ageing country, making it a good case-study for the type of intergenerational issues that could emerge in Britain as our own population gets older.

Quote 19

“Perhaps most ridiculous of all is the suggestion that we ‘keep’ our radioactive garbage for the use of our descendants. This ‘solution’, I think, requires an immediate poll of the next 20,000 generations.” David R Brower

Life Expectancy and Intergenerational Justice

David Kingman argues that no-one should be blamed for the fact we’re all living longer, but society has got to prepare for it   On Wednesday 8 June the Guardian printed an interactive map showing how life expectancy varies across Britain.

Large scale tax avoidance in the housing market

Angus Hanton shows how current tax loopholes have intergenerational consequences People disagree on how housing should be taxed. Some people would like to see higher annual holding taxes, whether this is called Council Tax, Land Value Tax or just Property Tax, while others want to see the introduction of Capital Gains Tax on residential house… Read more »

Will future generations eat fish?

Antony Mason sees the EU fisheries policy as a classic intergenerational issue At the end of last month the TV chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall took his “Fish Fight” campaign to Brussels, as the first stage of rolling it out across the EU.