David Kingman investigates whether the Arab Spring has really been a battle between older generations and the young.
David Kingman
Jilted Generation: a student’s view
Sam Desborough explains why he was gripped by Jilted Generation, and why he thinks it should be required reading for fellow students The blurb for Jilted Generation describes it as a work of ‘irresistible polemical energy’ and this proves to be a most apt summary of Ed Howker and Shiv Malik’s writing.
Intergenerational issues in Japan
David Kingman describes the fallout from a swelling elderly population Japan is the world’s fastest ageing country, making it a good case-study for the type of intergenerational issues that could emerge in Britain as our own population gets older.
Life Expectancy and Intergenerational Justice
David Kingman argues that no-one should be blamed for the fact we’re all living longer, but society has got to prepare for it On Wednesday 8 June the Guardian printed an interactive map showing how life expectancy varies across Britain.