MENTAL HEALTH BLOG WEEK.The transition to adulthood can look like a cliff edge. Matt Jordan, who works on the Health Foundation’s Young people’s future health inquiry, sets out the conditions that can make all the difference – between falling and jumping in
Tag: transition
Mind the gap
MENTAL HEALTH BLOG WEEK. Dr Avirup Gupta, a practising clinical psychiatrist in the NHS, describes his first-hand experience of observing the transition between child and adolescent and adult mental health care, and suggests some solutions to the problems this can entail
It’s time to put an end to the cliff edge: meeting the mental health needs of young people
MENTAL HEALTH BLOG WEEK.Young people need care services that carry on consistently through the transitions between childhood and adulthood. Kadra Abdinasir, Strategic Lead at the Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition (CYPMHC), makes the case, and welcomes recent Government initiatives in this direction
Introducing the IF/FRFG mental health blog week
MENTAL HEALTH BLOG WEEK. To mark the beginning of a week of IF blogs on the subject of young people and mental health, IF’s Senior Researcher David Kingman explains what we have in store for our readers