A large share of “extremists” on both sides of the Brexit debate would be happy to see the British economy suffer damage in order to have their way, according to new polling from YouGov. David Kingman looks at the questions this raises for intergenerational fairness
Tag: Intergenerational Justice
Public sector pensions: are they fair and sustainable?
In a series of question and answers, Allan Martin – an actuary and independent pension scheme trustee – reveals the huge and growing burden of public sector pensions, and the alarming implications for the future generations
National Audit Office: Hinkley Point C unlikely to offer value for money
A National Audit Office review of the Hinkley Point C deal agrees with the conclusion of IF’s previous research that it is likely to represent very poor value for taxpayers’ money. David Kingman reports
The Conservatives backtrack on intergenerational fairness – but did it really cost them votes?
In light of the Queen’s Speech and the Conservative-DUP deal, David Kingman asks whether the intergenerational policies in the Conservative Party election manifesto actually cost them votes
Is this really the “end of austerity” for young people?
The new Conservative government under Theresa May will abandon the austerity agenda of her predecessors. That is at least the claim. David Kingman looks for the evidence