For welfare, carrots are better than sticks

“No shit, Sherlock!”: making welfare benefits conditional on satisfying increasingly stringent stipulations is largely ineffective in getting people back into work, concludes a new report. Liz Emerson, IF co-founder, investigates

As robots take our jobs, should we turn back to Marxism?

Arguments that automation will devastate the job market for future generations are often casually pushed aside as unduly pessimistic, says Antony Mason. But when this is cited by the Governor of the Bank of England as a genuine threat, we really should sit up and take some notice

Generation Brexit: What do young people want?

IF’s latest report gives a breakdown of the Millennial vote at the EU Referendum, and identifies four distinct “tribes”. Angus Hanton, IF Co-founder, explains why these voters form an important bloc that must not be ignored

The unlikely young fad: living with your parents

Beth Jenkinson, IF researcher, discusses the findings of a recent Canadian report on “co-residence” between the generations and the implications this might have for the UK, where young adults are increasingly living with their parents during their working lives

Nothing is certain but ageing and taxes

With rising rents, staggering student debts and increasing inflation that cuts into already depressed real wages, are young people’s finances at (tax) breaking point? Could age-based taxation improve the intergenerational balance? Elliot Jones, IF Summer Intern, explores…