This report investigates spending power across the generations and finds that under-30s’ households: Have to dedicate the higher proportion of their total weekly expenditure to essentials Essential items take up 70% of their budget – a 16% increase compared to 2002/3 The bottom quintile of under-30s have on average have to dedicate 77% of their… Read more »
Term: Papers
Locked out: Intergenerational unfairness in the housing market
This June 2024 report analyses local authority areas (LAs) by age and finds that the housing crisis is greatest in those areas where more young people live. The report calls on political candidates in the General Election to pledge to deliver new housing for their younger constituents. Policy recommendations include: Fund and roll out Housing… Read more »
IF intergenerational fairness manifesto audit – 2024 General Election
Here is IF’s quick glance General Election audit – assessing political party offers on intergenerational fairness grounds. We will be writing why we think they are winning or losing across policy areas over the next week:
IF General Election Manifesto 2024
With a General Election around the corner, IF has drilled down into the key policy asks required to improve intergenerational fairness on behalf of younger and future generation: Housing Taxation Environmental Student finance Children and young people’s spending And how to ensure that younger and future generations’ interests are included in policy with intergenerational impact… Read more »
Tax wealth to help the young: The intergenerational fairness case for a wealth tax
Why do political parties shy away from taxing wealth in the UK when, according to this report, at least £18 billion could be raised each year if governments introduced a moderate wealth tax that would affect just 1% of the population? Where taxes come from is increasingly an intergenerational fairness issue. This research demonstrates that… Read more »
No country for young people: The problems of accelerating rural-urban age segregation
Old and young are living further apart This report investigated the profound changes in where older and younger people live in England and Wales over the past 20 years mean. It compares Census data from 2001, 2011 and 2021: Rural areas have aged more than twice as fast as urban areas Areas where over-50s are… Read more »
Play fair: Equalising the taxation of earned and unearned income
This report explains how the government could more fairly tax earned and unearned income: The current UK tax regime strongly favours unearned income over earned income. This has led to a tax system that is both unfair and inefficient. It also means that the young and those people who receive their income from employment pay… Read more »
Bring back the lodgers: How the UK housing stock could be used to combat the rental crisis
This research report argues that by giving homeowners more incentives to rent out room to lodgers, hundreds of thousands of spare rooms could be made available for rent. Key findings: 160,000 rooms would be made available from a 1% increase in the number of under-occupying homes taking in a lodger Taking in a lodger would… Read more »
Downsize your energy bills: Moving to a smaller home cuts energy bills
This report analyses house type, age, under-occupation and energy consumption and compares different downsizing scenarios and energy costs in order to help older generations to appreciate the energy savings they could make from downsizing. Key findings: Downsizing from larger to smaller homes in England could save 8 million homeowners up to £5,000 a year in… Read more »
Trains over planes: Why the government should encourage domestic train travel
This report argues that, on intergenerational justice grounds, the British government should be following France’s lead over banning domestic flights with a rail equivalent journey of 4.5 hours or less, by encouraging greater domestic train travel rather than air travel on mainland Britain. Key findings: Travel by train is seven times more environmentally friendly than… Read more »