Advisory Board
IF’s Advisory Board Members
Craig Berry
Craig Berry is a Lecturer at the University of Warwick and a freelance public policy researcher. He worked formerly as Policy Advisor at HM Treasury and Head of Policy at the International Longevity Centre. His book Globalisation and Ideology in Britain was published in 2011.
Professor Danny Dorling
Danny Dorling is the Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography at Oxford University, where he is also a Fellow of St Peter’s College. Previously, he was a Professor of Geography at the University of Sheffield. His main research interests include issues surrounding housing, wealth, education, health, employment and poverty. His most recent book is a major study of the Britain’s housing crisis entitled All That is Solid: The Great Housing Disaster (2014). He is also part of the group behind the highly innovative WorldMapper project ( which provides a novel way of presenting statistics visually, showing who has most and least in the world.
Professor Paul Gregg
Paul Gregg is a Professor of Economic and Social Policy, and Director of the Centre for Analysis and Social Policy at the University of Bath. He has recently been appointed to the Advisory Group for the Milburn Commission on Social Mobility and completed a review of Personalised Support and Conditionality in the Welfare System for the UK Dept. of Work and Pensions. He was formerly a member of the Council of Economic Advisors at HM Treasury 1997-2006, where he worked on unemployment, welfare reform and child poverty. Paul is a programme director at the Centre for Market and Public Organisation covering Families, Children and Welfare. His research has covered youth unemployment, workless households, child poverty, intergenerational mobility and the drivers of social disadvantage.
Angus Hanton
Angus Hanton, an economist and entrepreneur, became interested in the problems of intergenerational equity several years ago. A baby boomer with teenage children, he has enjoyed many of the unearned advantages of belonging to this cohort. He is acutely aware of the consequent accumulation of debts that are being passed on to younger generations today.
Ed Howker
Ed Howker is an investigative journalist and broadcaster, and the co-author, with Shiv Malik, of the seminal intergenerational book Jilted Generation: how Britain has bankrupted its youth. His articles appear in The Spectactor and The Daily Telegraph, among others, and he has also worked on current affairs documentaries for Channel 4’s Dispatches programmes.
David Kingman
David Kingman is the Senior Researcher at IF, where his work addresses the relationship between intergenerational fairness and issues such as housing, pensions, the national debt, higher education funding, health and social care and political representation. He also currently leads the research team constructing IF’s annual Intergenerational Fairness Index. His 2013 research paper on the taxation of buy-to-let property investment recommended the policy changes which were implemented in the 2013 Budget. He has been invited to give evidence to parliamentary select committees and has lectured on his research St Andrews University, Warwick University and the University of Lisbon.
Shiv Malik
Shiv Malik an investigative journalist who writes for The Guardian. He is also the co-author, with Ed Howker, of the seminal intergenerational book Jilted Generation: how Britain has bankrupted its youth. His articles have also appeared in The Sunday Times, New Statesman and Prospect magazine, among others.
Jolyon Maugham QC
Jolyon Maugham QC, is a member of Devereux Chambers and specialises in litigation in the fields of direct and indirect tax. A Queen Mother Scholar of the Middle Temple, Jolyon has sat on the Bar Council’s Equality and Diversity Committee for a number of years and is a member of the Revenue Bar Association. Jolyon lectures and writes widely on tax policy matters.
Professor Peter Nolan
Peter Nolan holds a Research Chair and is Director of the Centre of Sustainable Work and Employment Futures at the University of Leicester. Between 1997 and 2004 he was Director of the the ESRC £4 million Future of Work Programme. In 2011, he was appointed ‘scientific expert’ to help develop the European Joint Programme Initiative (JPI), More Years, Better Lives, which is examining demographic changes and their social and economic consequences. Since 2009 Peter has been Editor-in-Chrief of the Industrial Relations Journal. He has published widely on employment relations, labour markets and occupational change, and is presently investigating age-wage-productivity dynamics with particular reference to the ageing population of Europe. His latest publication looks critically at competing approaches to understanding the specific nature and changing forms of the employment relationship.
Professor Alison Park
Alison Park is Director of the CLOSER programme (Cohort & Longitudinal Studies Enhancement Resources) at UCL. She was previously Head of Society and Social Change at the National Centre of Social Research and managed the team responsible for the British Social Attitudes Survey. Alison is a regular broadcaster.
Ashley Seager
Ashley Seager was the Economics Correspondent for The Guardian from 2005 to 2010 covering the British and global economies as well as trade and debt relief issues. Before joining The Guardian, Ashley worked for 14 years at Reuters.
Kirsty Schneeberger
Kirsty Schneeberger MBE runs Think 2050, an advocacy platform for younger and future generations. Prior to this, she was the Co-ordinator of the Youth Advisory Panel at the Department of Energy and Climate Change as well as Co-ordinator of the UK Youth Climate Coalition, having led many youth delegations to UN Framework Convention on Climate Change conferences.
Nick Silver
Nick is CEO of Callund Consulting, founder and chairman of Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) and Radix, the think tank of the radical centre. Nick is a visiting fellow at Anglia Ruskin University and Cass Business School (City University). Nick recently won The President’s Award for outstanding contribution to the Actuarial Profession and the Phiatus Award for an actuary who has made the most impressive charitable efforts. Nick’s book, Finance, Society and Sustainability was recently published by Palgrave Macmillan.
Nick was until recently a visiting fellow at LSE, taught a course at Trinity college Dublin and was on Council (the governing body) of the actuarial profession. Nick has personally advised many governments in all parts of the world, as well as a number of multi-lateral institutions, on finance, pensions, social insurance, climate change and risk management. Nick has been widely quoted in the national media, with appearances on BBC and Sky and two separate papers of his have been cited in debates in the British parliament.
James Sloam
James Sloam in senior lecturer in politics at Royal Holloway (University of London), were he is also co-director of the Centre for European Politics. James’ research focuses on young people’s politics in Britain, the European Union and the United States. He has published widely in this area, and recently edited a special issue of Parliamentary Affairs on ‘Youth, Citizenship and Politics in Britain’ (2012). James is the convenor of a new (in 2013) Political Studies Association specialist group on young people’s politics.
Professor Joerg Tremmel
Joerg Tremmel is Professor at the University of Tuebingen, having previously been a visiting Lecturer at several universities in Germany, including the University of Stuttgart, and a Research Fellow at the London School of Economics. He was Director of the Foundation for the Rights of Future Generations from 2001 to 2008, and is the editor-in-chief of the peer-reviewed journal Intergenerational Justice Review.