The social care costs of old age are an intergenerational conundrum. Why should younger generations pay for the care costs which the baby boomers have spectacularly failed to provide for themselves? But, as Antony Mason argues, they too need a robust and sustainable system to cater for their own old age
Category: Taxation
Cameron extends commitment to protecting pensioner benefits
David Kingman reports on another pledge from the Prime Minister to protect universal benefits for pensioners
Will universal benefits survive the next general election?
David Kingman examines the likelihood of today’s universal benefits still being in place after the next general election
The 2012 Autumn Statement: an intergenerational analysis
What did the 2012 Autumn Statement do for intergenerational fairness? David Kingman investigates
Winter Fuel Payments: opposition mounts
In an age of austerity, handing out Winter Fuel Allowance payments to wealthy over-60s is beginning to look increasingly indefensible
Talking about my generation
Mired in debt and a stagnant economy, Melissa Jane Knight tells us how the world looks if you’re in your late twenties – and urges all 16–30 year olds to put the case forward by entering the IF Film Competition
How should we measure child poverty?
David Kingman explores the recent suggestion from the Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith that the government should find a more comprehensive way of measuring child poverty
New Scottish Widows report highlights problems facing younger generations
David Kingman explores some new research which shows just how tough conditions for today’s youth will be as they progress through life
Peer suggests making retired people “earn” their pensions
A member of the House of Lords has recently suggested that senior citizens could be made to “earn” part of their state pensions through performing community services. David Kingman asks if this would be a workable idea
New warnings over the rising cost of State pension
David Kingman looks at recent forecasts which show the cost of the state pension will rocket over the next few decades