Liz Emerson, IF Co-Founder, analyses the manifestos using the lens of intergenerational fairness in the run-up to the May General Election. Today she inspects Labour
Category: Taxation
Who should Young People Vote for this May? Conservatives?
Liz Emerson, IF Co-Founder, analyses the manifestos using the lens of intergenerational fairness in the run-up to the May General Election. Today she inspects the Conservatives
Will stamp duty reforms help first-time buyers?
David Kingman weighs up whether the reforms to stamp duty that Chancellor George Osborne announced in his recent Autumn Statement will make it any easier for first-time buyers to get on the property ladder
The intergenerational case for an asset tax
In the third of our week-long series of articles on intergenerational themes co-published with the independent public policy think tank ResPublica, Abigail Rees (Research Assistant at ResPublica) explains why international inequalities in wealth – as opposed to income – can and should be addressed by the tax system
New report recommends a series of reforms to re-engage young people with politics
David Kingman reports on the recent interim report from the Political and Constitutional Reform Select Committee which looked at re-engaging young people with politics
The Barker Commission publishes its final report into the future of health and social care
David Kingman offers a summary of the ground-breaking proposal for a combined health and social care service which the Barker Commission launched last week
IEA: Next generation faces “crippling” tax rises as population ages
David Kingman reports on new research from the right-of-centre think tank the Institute of Economic Affairs which highlights the huge scale of the economic burden the next generation faces to pay for the rising costs of an ageing population
Think tanks propose radical reforms to make welfare state affordable
Two prominent think tanks have both recently published radical new proposals for ways we can keep the welfare state affordable as the population ages. David Kingman explains
IF Vox Pop: Will the state look after me when I’m old?
IF Vox Pop is a series of pieces expressing personal perspectives on the issues we raise. Here Ruby Joseph, IF volunteer and first-year A-level candidate, describes how the dice are loaded against her generation
Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission calls for pensioners to bear more of the costs of austerity
The first report from the Commission on Social Mobility and Child Poverty, chaired by former Labour MP Alan Milburn, has suggested that pensioners should be asked to do their bit for austerity, reports David Kingman