The loneliness epidemic: mental health, young people and intergenerational inequality

Loneliness is the theme of this year’s #MentalHealthAwarenessWeek. Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, lays out IF’s research into young people’s loneliness and explains why greater investment in earlier mental health interventions is needed. A decade in the making For more than a decade the Intergenerational Foundation (IF) has researched the plight of young people. In 9… Read more »

Two years of COVID-19: the pandemic, young people and what next?

Almost two years have passed since COVID-19 was declared a public health emergency by the WHO. IF’s digital campaigns officer Liam Hill analyses how the pandemic, the lockdowns and other restrictions have affected young people in the UK, and asks what can be done to address the issues they face. Two years of turmoil It… Read more »

A year in review for intergenerational fairness

2021, it seems, will end the same way as it started, with COVID-19 putting the nation on hold, but it is the young who have suffered the most as intergenerational unfairness deepens, writes Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, in this end-of-year review.  COVID-19 From Delta to Omicron, COVID-19 has delivered a rollercoaster of a year as… Read more »

Freedom and injustice in the time of coronavirus

Last week, the majority of COVID-19 restrictions in England were removed, marking the biggest return to “normality” that we have seen since the beginning of the pandemic. However, this does not mean the end of restrictions for everybody, as IF Researcher, Lizzie Simpson, discusses how the new settlement affects younger people differently, and how this… Read more »

Worldwide Blog Week 2021: summing up

Following a week of contributions from guest writers from across the globe, Liam Hill, the Intergenerational Foundation’s Digital Campaigns Officer, sums up the main themes from the different contributions to IF’s Worldwide Blog Week The idea that each generation should pass on a better world to the next is a simple but powerful one. The… Read more »

Mental health and the COVID–19 “syndemic” in Chile

In their contribution to our annual Worldwide Intergenerational Fairness Blog Week, community psychologists and mental health researchers from Chile, María José Campero Rauld and Antonia Rosati Bustamante outline the state of mental health in Chile before and throughout the COVID–19 crisis, which they argue is better described as a “syndemic” than a pandemic. They also… Read more »

Improving India’s record on child mental health

In this contribution to IF’s Worldwide Intergenerational Fairness Blog Week, Aarthi Ratnam, a mental health campaigner, explains why India’s understanding of, and investment in, child mental health must change post-COVID-19 Child mental health Being mentally healthy during childhood means reaching emotional and developmental milestones. It allows children to have a positive quality of life, maintain… Read more »

What should a mental health recovery from COVID-19 look like for children and young people in the UK?

The vision of the UK’s Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition (CYPMHC) is for all infants, children and young people to grow up in a society that prioritises and attends to their mental health and wellbeing. After a year of living through the Covid-19 pandemic, Charlotte Rainer, CYMPHC Coalition Lead, argues that this vision… Read more »

Mental Health Awareness Week: younger generations need greater access to nature

In keeping with this year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme, which focuses on the importance of nature to mental health, IF senior researcher Melissa Bui explains how improving access to quality housing with outdoor spaces is a key step towards ensuring an equitable distribution of nature, and all of its mental health benefits, across the… Read more »