Room to breathe? How the COVID-19 lockdown highlights age inequalities in living space

The draconian social-distancing rules which are now in the place in the UK are forcing people to remain indoors most of the time, a restriction which is likely to be much harder to bear for young families living in overcrowded conditions, argues David Kingman At first glance, it could seem as though almost every household… Read more »

The Bank of Mum and Dad is one of the top mortgage lenders – and so it should be

According to a new study by Legal & General, the Bank of Mum and Dad is “one of the biggest mortgage lenders” in the UK. This finding has renewed concerns over whether parents will have adequate living standards in retirement. Melissa Bui, IF Junior Researcher, explains why, with the exception of poorer “lenders”, these types… Read more »

Moving out: a Millennial milestone or a distant dream?

Latest figures from the Office for National Statistics report a 24% increase in the number of stay-at-home young adults over the past decade. IF Junior Researcher, Melissa Bui, writes on how failing to address the core issues behind this development may turn key milestones into a distant dream for young adults within the next decade