IF supporter Tim Lund asks whether the new Labour leadership could have the answers to Britain’s housing crisis…
Category: Housing
Shelter: Government’s “Starter Homes” likely to be unaffordable to all but high-earners
David Kingman looks at some new research which highlights the flaws in the Government’s new “Starter Homes” policy
Young people are leading a resurgence in city-centre living – but is it by choice?
David Kingman speculates about the findings of a recent report from the Centre for Cities which shows that young people are leading an urban renaissance in the centres of British cities
New research: almost 40% of Right to Buy homes are now being privately rented
David Kingman looks at some new research which suggests that nearly 40% of the former council homes sold under the popular Right to Buy scheme may have ended up belonging to landlords
Could the government’s immigration policy end up helping young renters?
David Kingman suggests that a by-product of the government’s current immigration policy could be that it helps improve housing conditions for young renters
Could intergenerational problems make social justice harder to achieve?
David Kingman looks at the findings from the latest report by the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission from an intergenerational angle
Do Millennials lack an essential understanding of the property market?
A recent survey conducted by NatWest looked at how Millennials feel about buying their first property, getting onto the property ladder and the idea of “Generation Rent”. The results make interesting reading
Unwinding the Housing Crisis: a Which? Landlord?
In the second in a series of related blogs, IF supporter Tim Lund envisages a consumers’ guide to landlords – difficult to assemble for the reasons cited, but a much-needed tool for all those (and especially the young) in the rental sector
New report: over half of all young adults will be renting by 2025
David Kingman looks at the findings of a recent report by PwC which argues “Generation Rent” is set to carry on growing
The Forgotten Problem: Rising Student Rents
Second-year university student Claire Butler describes the real and growing crisis in university accommodation and calls for urgent and concerted action