David Kingman reports on the recent suggestion by the Chief Medical Officer for England that members of the Baby Boomer generation would find staying in work longer beneficial to their health
Category: Health
Government considers increasing Council Tax to fund social care
Is an increase in Council Tax the best way to address the funding crisis in adult social care? David Kingman looks at the issues
New report: Elderly home care system underfunded by £513 million
David Kingman looks at the findings of a recent report which suggest that the system of providing care for elderly people in their own homes is heading for financial crisis
Intergenerational living is good for older peoples’ mental health, study suggests
David Kingman reports on the findings of a recent academic study which suggest that living with their adult children improves older peoples’ mental health
New research highlights the “suspended adulthood” of modern youth
David Kingman looks at the findings of some new research into young people’s mental health
New research underlines the crisis facing adult social care
David Kingman looks at the implications of a valuable piece of research into the crisis facing the adult social care system in England
“Something has to give,” warns senior NHS executive
David Kingman reports on the recent warning from Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, that NHS finances have reached crisis point
Is the NHS really facing swingeing cuts?
David Kingman looks at the facts behind some worrying recent headlines about the NHS – and ponders what they really mean for different generations
Does the public think we should spend more on the NHS? (Part 2)
With increasing attention being paid to the NHS’s financial crisis, David Kingman looks at how the public say they think the NHS ought to be funded
Does the public think we should spend more on the NHS? (Part 1)
With increasing attention being paid to the NHS’s financial crisis, David Kingman looks at how the public say they think the NHS ought to be funded