A new analysis of trends in health outcomes for young adults across a wide range of rich countries shows that the UK is doing remarkably poorly. David Kingman explains
Category: Health
Does moving from adolescence to adulthood have to be a cliff edge?
MENTAL HEALTH BLOG WEEK.The transition to adulthood can look like a cliff edge. Matt Jordan, who works on the Health Foundation’s Young people’s future health inquiry, sets out the conditions that can make all the difference – between falling and jumping in
Mind the gap
MENTAL HEALTH BLOG WEEK. Dr Avirup Gupta, a practising clinical psychiatrist in the NHS, describes his first-hand experience of observing the transition between child and adolescent and adult mental health care, and suggests some solutions to the problems this can entail
New research looks at key issues affecting young people’s health
A recent research paper by the Health Foundation raises serious concerns about the negative forces that may be adversely affecting the health of the UK’s young adults. David Kingman looks at the findings
Select committee recommends long-term plan for the NHS
David Kingman reports on the findings of the select committee looking at the long-term sustainability of health and social care
Spring Budget 2017: No long-term solution for problems facing adult social care
David Kingman reports on what the recent Budget did and didn’t contain in relation to adult social care – and why there are few reasons for optimism
Select committee urges government to provide more funding for adult social care
David Kingman looks at a pre-Budget call for additional adult social care funding
NHS and social care integration not delivering expected benefits, says NAO
David Kingman looks at the findings of the National Audit Office’s recent report on the Better Care Fund
“State of Child Health” report raises significant concerns about the health of Britain’s children
David Kingman reports on the recent study by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, which examined the health of British children
Can Council Tax solve the social care crisis?
David Kingman looks at the situation affecting Surrey County Council, which has just proposed a massive rise in Council Tax to plug its social care funding shortfall