David Kingman explains how overgenerous pension and healthcare commitments to former state workers have played a major role in pushing Stockton, California, over the precipice of bankruptcy
Category: Government Debt
Who should pay for old age care? The horns of a dilemma
Antony Mason looks at the intergenerational dilemma posed by the Dilnot Commission, and the new White Paper on social care
Cameron’s welfare reforms will hit the young hardest – while leaving pensioners’ benefits untouched
David Kingman explores the intergenerational injustice which is at the heart of the government’s proposed welfare reforms
The Reith Lectures 2012
Antony Mason sings the praises of the first of this year’s Reith Lectures by Professor Niall Ferguson, which vividly draws attention to the intergenerational injustice embedded in today’s financial crisis
New IF research demonstrates how intergenerational unfairness has grown over time
David Kingman reports on the launch of IF’s Intergenerational Fairness Index, which assesses how intergenerational unfairness has worsened in the UK during the last 20 years
John Ralfe Consulting launches new website
David Kingman announces the launch of an exciting new website for people interested in pensions by John Ralfe Consulting
ONS reveals full UK pension liabilities
David Kingman was present as the ONS officially announced the UK’s full pension liabilities for the first time at the Royal Statistical Society on 27 April
Scotland’s proposed oil fund: more than just hot air?
David Kingman explores Alex Salmond’s recent proposal to create a sovereign wealth fund for future generations if Scotland becomes independent
University tuition fees and CPI: another fine mess
Antony Mason encourages all readers to look at an extraordinary revelation: through an oversight, increased tuition fees could cost the government an extra £2.2 billion a year.
Dr Rupert Read launches his “Guardians of the Future” proposal
Angus Hanton reports on the recent launch of Dr Rupert Read’s “Guardians of the Future” paper at the House of Commons