Although youth unemployment has continued falling over the last year, the latest evidence suggests that things could get worse again in the future, argues David Kingman
Category: Employment
House of Lords: young people “not being adequately prepared for the world of work”
David Kingman reports on the damning findings of a House of Lords investigation into the transition from school to work
ONS: Over 800,000 people employed on zero-hours contracts
David Kingman reports on the latest estimate from the ONS of the number of people employed using so-called “zero-hours contracts”, which is higher than previously thought
Are young people lowering their aspirations?
Angus Hanton reports on some social analysis which suggests that deteriorating financial circumstances are making young people increasingly risk-averse – a worrying trend for future prospects
ONS: Number of NEETs continuing to fall
David Kingman reports on the latest official data about NEETs from the Office for National Statistics
The fight for Clean Energy in the US
Tomesha Campbell of Our Task* reflects on the US Supreme Court ruling to block the implementation of President Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan, and what the states and the energy sector are doing to lessen climate change – and how the Supreme Court decision will impact the international climate agreement.
New research suggests 5 million people could be working in the “gig economy”
David Kingman explores the findings of some new research which looked at the so-called “gig economy” and what this could mean for the future careers of today’s young people
Could a “Citizen’s Income” help young people?
David Kingman looks at a proposal to introduce a Citizen’s Income in a way which could boost the earnings of young people
New report calls for “Fairness for all ages”
David Kingman comments on the recent call from intergenerational practice charity United for All Ages that more should be done to heal Britain’s intergenerational divides
New report: High-value apprenticeships provide 16% earnings premium
David Kingman explores the findings from the some new research which attempts to measure the economic returns of doing an apprenticeship