David Kingman looks at youth unemployment around the world, its causes and some possible solutions
Category: Employment
The perils of prolonging adolescence
David Kingman explores whether people find it harder to grow up today than they used to
What do we owe the looters?
Liz Emerson asks where ultimately the responsibility lies for London’s riots
“Lucky Generation”? How the baby boomers have prospered
Angus Hanton asks if the baby boomers owe their success more to fortune than design – and if their prosperity has created an intergenerational deficit.
British jobs for British workers?
Sam Desborough looks at the suggestion that the role of immigration in filling job vacancies will have long-term intergenerational implications in the UK One and a half million. This is the number of people in the UK – according to most recent figures from the Department of Work and Pensions – who have never had a… Read more »
Are the Arab uprisings an intergenerational conflict?
David Kingman investigates whether the Arab Spring has really been a battle between older generations and the young.
Jilted Generation: a student’s view
Sam Desborough explains why he was gripped by Jilted Generation, and why he thinks it should be required reading for fellow students The blurb for Jilted Generation describes it as a work of ‘irresistible polemical energy’ and this proves to be a most apt summary of Ed Howker and Shiv Malik’s writing.
Intergenerational issues in Japan
David Kingman describes the fallout from a swelling elderly population Japan is the world’s fastest ageing country, making it a good case-study for the type of intergenerational issues that could emerge in Britain as our own population gets older.
New book highlights scandal of internships
David Kingman reflects on the internship debate A new book ‘Intern Nation: How to earn nothing and learn little in the brave new economy’ by Ross Perlin, an American author, analyses in impressive detail the growing exploitation of young people by the older generation in the corporate world.
Is Italy heading for an intergenerational crisis?
Antony Mason notes that the intergenerational debate is hotting up in Italy, and asks if Italians have even greater reasons to be worried Last Sunday (22 May) the respected Italian TV programme Report (the equivalent the UK’s Panorama) broadcast an investigation on Rai 3 entitled Generazione a Perdere, making a convincing case that Italy’s young… Read more »