The uncertain future of the triple lock obscures the crisis facing young people

As the government weighs up whether to keep or to alter the ‘triple lock’ on the state pension, young people face a systemic crisis that is undermining their financial security. Intergenerational Foundation student volunteer Charlotte Foster explores the ways in which the government is reinforcing this crisis.

Spending on children at risk due to financial pressures on local authorities

Newly released figures from the National Audit Office reveal that local authorities are facing a £605 million shortfall in funding, with financial pressures expected to continue for years to come. IF Researcher, Melissa Bui, explains what this means for spending on children’s services

The asymmetric intergenerational impact of COVID: the Italian case

Worrying intergenerational divides were already apparent in Italy following the recent double-dip financial crises, and these can only have been exacerbated by COVID-19. Analysis by Luciano Monti, Adjunct Professor of European Union Policies at LUISS Guido Carli (Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali) in Rome, and Scientific co-director of  the Bruno Visentini Foundation, a research… Read more »

Time to do something about Internships (paid and unpaid)

Phil Radcliff, ex-global Human Resources Director and IF volunteer, points to the iniquities of internships and calls for greater clarification and collaboration between young people, their educational institutions and the world of work