Antarctica: a wilderness too close to home

Antarctica is often thought of as an unblemished wilderness – but humans no longer need a physical presence to impair the natural environment. IF Research Intern Anthony J. Piwowarski explores the global consequences of a melting Antarctic ice sheet – and how some states may seek to profit from the climate’s instability.

How will future generations remember COVID-19 – if they remember it at all?

Roman Krznaric is a public philosopher who writes about the power of ideas to change society. His new book explores the virtues of long-term thinking – essential for good intergenerational policy. Will the current COVID-19 pandemic be a critical landmark on the three possible paths that lead into the future?

Earth Day in strange times

It’s Earth Day this week, and according to CarbonBrief the first three months of 2020 were the second warmest on record. With COVID-19 understandably distracting the world from conversations about environmental degradation and #climatecrisis, Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, discusses the huge potential for the greening of the economy post-COVID

Dutch people vs climate change

In December 2019, after almost six years of battling between the Dutch state and its citizenry, the Netherlands’ highest court ruled for the plaintiffs (the Urgenda Foundation and 886 citizens), stating that the Dutch government must reduce its emissions in line with its human rights obligations. Cameron Leitch explains the importance of this case in… Read more »