Build the homes we need

Housing is a major source of intergenerational unfairness in the UK today. Many members of the baby boomer generation were able to buy houses when prices were low. The value of those houses has exploded since, making it much more difficult for younger generations to buy a home of their own. For several decades, house prices have grown significantly faster than wages. Lately, the government has poured kerosene on the housing market: policies like Help to Buy and the Stamp Duty holiday stimulating demand for housing without addressing the need to supply more housing.

Our recent research found that the pandemic has exacerbated intergenerational housing inequality, with some members of the older and wealthier generations buying second homes or larger homes in more rural areas. People with more space within their homes, and with access to more green space outside, have been better set up for pandemic trends, like being locked down within our properties and working from home, than those generally younger and less well-off people in smaller flats.

So it’s time to embrace a major housebuilding programme that will go a long way to address the issue of housing supply and spatial inequality in the UK: the government should treat the 300,000 new homes per year target as a minimum, and that should include in that 100,000 council homes built per year for the foreseeable future so that the most vulnerable households can be guaranteed high-standard and affordable housing.

Please share this campaign and write to your MP to ask them to support it.

Write to your MP

Please use the template text below and visit to find your MP. Follow the instructions from there.

I am a local resident writing to you in support of the Intergenerational Foundation’s campaign to Build the Homes we Need for younger generations.

Right now in the UK, there is massive housing inequality, which has only been exacerbated by the pandemic and the lockdown. The most effective way to give younger people today, and in years to come, the access to homeownership enjoyed by previous generations is to build hundreds of thousands of new homes. I am calling on you to use your platform as a Member of Parliament to support new housebuilding all across the UK so that the government reaches and exceeds its 300,000 homes per year target.

Please refer to the Intergenerational Foundation’s research on housing inequality and get in touch with them at [email protected] for more information.

Yours sincerely,

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