What do today’s workers want from their pensions?

A new report from the Institute for Public Policy Research has shown that the majority of people still aren’t putting enough money into their pensions. David Kingman explains

New NHS funding allocations cause controversy

A new system of allocating NHS funding towards areas that contain larger numbers of the elderly have been criticised for diverting money away from poorer regions of the country. David Kingman explains

Electronic voting: the way forward for younger generations?

John Bercow’s speech to the Hansard Society on 27 November about a digital democracy has led to much discussion as to whether this could improve the turnout of younger voters. The Speaker wishes to bridge the gap between MPs and the increasingly digital society they represent. Hope Barker reports.

Politicians, the environment and short-termism

The politically-motivated closure of an NGO by the government of Ecuador raises fundamental questions about politics and short-termism. IF volunteer Adam Broadbent explains