“2.8 million people aged between 18 and 44 are delaying having children because they can’t afford to buy a home.” Belinda Turffrey, The Human Cost, Shelter 2010

Liz Emerson
Liz has more than 30 years of experience in communications. As well as leading the Intergenerational Foundation, she is responsible for all strategy, with particular responsibility for external communications including public affairs; government relations; pro-active and reactive media relations; fundraising; corporate sponsorship; and volunteer recruitment and retention. Liz has managed press office teams for international businesses, run global sponsorship programmes and provided crisis management advice for world famous business leaders. Liz has an interest in housing, political representation and younger generations. Outside work Liz is most likely to be found on a tennis court or holding a camera.
Quote 11
“In 1971 the over-60s made up one-fifth of the population; in 2030 they will make up almost one-third of the population.” 2008 National Population Projections, ONS 2009
Quote 9
“Of the NHS budget of about £100bn, half goes on the over-65s.” David Willetts, The Pinch, 2010
Quote 8
“If house prices had grown in line with the stock market over the last two decades (5% a year) then average house prices would be 50% cheaper.” Martin Weale, Head of the National Institute of Economic and Social Research
Quote 7
“The over-45s hold 83% of the UK’s property wealth; the over-65s, 40%. Skip to the under-35s and the figure is just 5%.” Linton Chiswick, Citywire
Quote 4
In 1987 the United Nations defined sustainable development as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
Quote 2
“It [the state] becomes a partnership not only between those who are living, but between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born.” Edmund Burke, 1789