Journalist Kevin Carey (@kevincarey1) has put together an interesting social media thread on the conflict between universities and students in the US. Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, ponders what lessons UK higher education leaders could and should learn

Liz Emerson
Liz has more than 30 years of experience in communications. As well as leading the Intergenerational Foundation, she is responsible for all strategy, with particular responsibility for external communications including public affairs; government relations; pro-active and reactive media relations; fundraising; corporate sponsorship; and volunteer recruitment and retention. Liz has managed press office teams for international businesses, run global sponsorship programmes and provided crisis management advice for world famous business leaders. Liz has an interest in housing, political representation and younger generations. Outside work Liz is most likely to be found on a tennis court or holding a camera.
Earth Day in strange times
It’s Earth Day this week, and according to CarbonBrief the first three months of 2020 were the second warmest on record. With COVID-19 understandably distracting the world from conversations about environmental degradation and #climatecrisis, Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, discusses the huge potential for the greening of the economy post-COVID
Coronavirus: Will job losses see another rise in the Boomerang Generation?
With social media forums filled with young freelancers starting to lose their livelihoods and worried about paying their rent, Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, looks at the wider implications should the government choose not to help young renters beyond lifting the threat of eviction
IF Manifesto Audit 2: Education
With less than a week to go until the 2019 General Election, Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, gives a whistle-stop tour of what the different parties are offering on education – from pre-school childcare through to further and higher education finance
Vice-chancellors still haven’t learned
Vice-chancellor pay is in the news again. Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, investigates the latest research from the University College Union (UCU) on the flagrant disregard of calls for greater propriety over pay
Students beware: Augar Review misfires on intergenerational fairness
Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, responds to the recently-published Augar Review of Post-18 Education and Funding, and concludes that, in spite of many positive recommendations, students will still be dealt a poor hand
University vice-chancellor pay: still a scandal
Are governing bodies demonstrating that they are heeding calls for pay restraint in the higher education sector? Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, investigates
For welfare, carrots are better than sticks
“No shit, Sherlock!”: making welfare benefits conditional on satisfying increasingly stringent stipulations is largely ineffective in getting people back into work, concludes a new report. Liz Emerson, IF co-founder, investigates
Vice-chancellors are still making hay
The pay of vice-chancellors in universities is currently under scrutiny. Liz Emerson, IF Co-founder, looks at a new report by the House of Commons Library
Rigged: How the oil and gas industry is undermining future generations
The Prime Minister has just met the boss of Toshiba to discuss a likely high strike price for producing nuclear energy for the UK. Angus Hanton, IF Co-founder, looks at another huge energy bill likely to land on our children’s shoulders, this time from North Sea oil and gas decommissioning.