Is Britain disappearing down a pensions black hole?

Angus Hanton, Co-founder of IF, looks at the growing and darkening chasm of pension liabilities, in both the private and the public sectors, and the impact this will have – is already having – on the economy as a whole and the future of younger generations

New APPG launched to fight for Future Generations

Yesterday, at the House of  Commons, a new All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Future Generations was launched to promote the interests of unborn generations. Angus Hanton, Co-founder of IF, was there; here’s his report

Youth Quake report launch: real change is constrained by party politics

We recently launched a report on young people and the 2017 General Election, and representatives from the major parties attended our panel event at the Houses of Parliament. Beth Jenkinson, IF researcher, describes the resulting discussion and explores its implications for intergenerational fairness

Votes at 16 bill torpedoed (again)

In the House of Commons, a private member’ s bill to reduce the voting age to 16 was squeezed out by a time limit on Friday 3 November – “sabotaged” by the Conservatives, according to Opposition MPs. It now has little chance of becoming law. IF supporter Melissa Jane Knight sees this as both deeply… Read more »